onsdag 26 december 2018

Ännu godare jul

Har gott å funderat på sol-paneler länge och fick till slut installerat elva paneler på taket häromdagen. Skulle gjorts bra mycket tidigare men fick aldrig tummen ur riktigt. Nu blev det äntligen av och man kan hoppas på fler + 40°C dagar så AC'n får jobba hårt.
Filippin resa hägrar och Lisa våndas över packandet.

torsdag 4 oktober 2018

tisdag 2 oktober 2018

tisdag 21 augusti 2018

Where did you last see your Jetpack

That must have been in the garage where most people keep their vehicles.
It was after having been out with the dog hoovering on the local park, restricted to the height of the dog leach but still allowing me to fly around.
The dog doesn't like it. It's a bit noisy. The exhaust fumes must be warm, and it doesn’t attract other dogs either, but it still gives him a walk.
My wife keeps commenting I need the exercise and should leave it home and walk instead. So, I'm considering trading it in for a drone. It's been stuffed in the garage since then.

tisdag 17 juli 2018

Grymm på photoshop

Ser slutet på en långledighet igen. Denna gången blev lite mer grejer å leka med. En BMW X4 och idag vart en ny luftkonditionering / värmepump installerad på bottenvåningen. Rackarns bra.
Vart sen på Coburn Central och firade med en JR Ewing Dallas TV burgare. Jessie hade fish and chips och Lisa fick sin fläskkotlett.

tisdag 17 april 2018

Another interesting weird list -The 2017 Friendliest Cities in the World


1. San Miguel de Allende, Mexiko.
2. Perth, Australia
3. Göteborg, Sweden
4. Evora, Portugal
5. Chiang Rai, Thailand
6. Auckland, New Zeeland
7. Siem Reap, Kambodja
8. Oporto, Portugal
9. Beirut, Libanon
10. Dublin, Ireland
11. Malmö, Sweden
12. Halifax, Kanada
13. Wellington, New Zeeland
14. Luang Prabang, Laos
15. Hobart, Australia


torsdag 15 mars 2018

World Happiness Report 2018

1. Finland
2. Norway
3. Denmark
4. Iceland
5. Switzerland
6. The Netherlands
7. Canada
8. New Zealand
9. Sweden
10. Australia
reference: http://worldhappiness.report/ed/2018/

torsdag 18 januari 2018

Project Save the World

   Record high asylum immigration to Sweden
Last year, the number of residence permits for refugees and asylum seekers was 50.100 until November, according to the Swedish Migration Agency 's statistics. 
As asylum and refugee policy harshened in the autumn 2015 maybe many have expected one steep decline in asylum and refugee immigration. That can be delayed. Part of this can be explained by the fact that the number of immigrant relatives increase. In a historical perspective it is only one year, 1994, which can be measured with today's levels. 
Reference: United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees